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Articles we think you will find useful

Learning the art of hunting, one woman to another
28, 2022, Missoulian

Hearing Stokman’s passion not just for hunting, but also for land and wildlife conservation and ethics, “opened my eyes,” she said.


A Queer Hunter Reflects on Coming Out
By JOSHUA MORSE, May 25, 2020, Outside

“I remember the actual moment of coming out to those Vermont hunters just as well as I remember pulling the trigger on my first deer: clicking the safety off, exhaling, and releasing something that could never be taken back.”


Hunting is ‘slowly dying off,’ and that has created a crisis for the nation’s many endangered species.
By FRANCES STEAD SELLERS, February 2, 2020, The Washington Post

Americans’ interest in hunting is on the decline, cutting into funding for conservation, which stems largely from hunting licenses, permits and taxes on firearms, bows and other equipment.
Even as more people are engaging in outdoor activities, hunting license sales have fallen from a peak of about 17 million in the early ’80s to 15 million last year


How to Start Hunting as an Adult
By NICOLE QUALTIERI, December 26, 2019, Gear Junkie

“2019 was my fifth year hunting, and it’s been a life-changing decision that puts great food on the table and widens my experience with the outdoors each year. With that in mind, I’ve collected these tips to start hunting as well as resources that can help you guide your hunting education.”


Is Pink the New Orange?
By SARAH KELLER, May 20, 2019,

“. . .our society tends to load colors with meaning. Orange has strong and clear associations with hunting and safety. What exactly hunter pink signifies remains murky, and its value as a safety color is uncertain.”


Trump let down American hunters and anglers
By Venery’s very own – MARCIA BROWNLEE, 07/19/19 06:30 PM EDT
“Conservation requires collaboration to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same experiences we do. Despite what his recent comments suggest, President Trump has not lived up to this spirit of collaboration or conservation.”


Winter outing teaches the 7 C’s of wilderness survival

By TOM KUGLIN, February 15, 2018 Missoulian

“Admit it and stay calm, have a drink of water,” he said. “A lot of people start to panic immediately, so take a second and assess the situation. The first step is always admitting that you have a problem, and that can be hard for a lot of people when they’re lost.”


By NICOLE MEIER, January 23, 2018 usfwsnortheastblog
“When I’m in the woods, I am connected, and I feel a sense of belonging and mindfulness – I’m acutely aware of myself, the place, and other beings I am interacting with.”


Yoga for Hunters
By ERIKA PUTNAM, January 10, 2018, Backcountry Journal
Venery hunters know first hand how helpful yoga practice can be for a successful hunting season! Not to mention how well it works to ease those post-hunt aches and pains.


Confessions of a Sensible Gun Owner 
By LILY RAFF MCCAULOU, October 7, 2017, the New York Times


The Discipline
By CHRIS MADSON, July 12, 2017, the land ethic

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